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Event Floater

Since February 1, 2007 by Huidae Cho

Your donation for my time and effort would be greatly appreciated and will encourage me to spend more time on Palm development. Thank you.

event_floater/about.png Why do you have to pay for third party bloatware only to have floating events? Event Floater is my answer to this question. Event Floater does and only does what it's supposed to do: make floating events in the built-in Calendar/Date Book. You don't need any additional databases.

event_floater/main.png After installation, you can find "Event Floater" from within Prefs. Just set up the trigger time and the format prefix for floating events. Simply remove the prefix to make events plain appointments. It's like checking the completion box in Tasks. For example, "* Finish My Article." will float from one day to another until you remove "*" from the title (i.e., "Finish My Article").

In OS 4 or below, Event Floater is triggered at the specified time. If 00:00 is given, it will be triggered 60 seconds later (at 00:01) to make sure of date change. After then, it will run every 24 hours. If you're in Calendar, Event Floater will wait for you to exit to prevent potential conflicts.

In OS 5, setting the trigger time to 00:00 lets you use the notification manager for database update. That is, whenever you launch/quit Calendar/Date Book, Event Floater "immediately" moves past floating events to today. If time other than 00:00 is given, it behaves exactly the same as in OS 4. Setting to 00:01 is basically the same as setting to 00:00 in OS 4 because of the 60 second delay.

Why do I have to put the two ways for trigger? Each method has the following disadvantages over the other:

OS 4
Whenever Event Floater is periodically launched in sleep mode, LCD will wake up and go off after some time. The job is not completely hidden from the user.
OS 5
Notification events that Event Floater uses are supported only in OS 5.

Event Floater is freeware. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!


Change log

0.0.1e - April 28, 2007
  • the bug fixed that transfers future events
0.0.1d - February 9, 2007
  • record position fixed
0.0.1c - February 4, 2007
  • drop procedure alarm because it seems too much loss than gain to make it work properly
  • use launch code for OS 4 or below
  • use the notification manager for OS 5
0.0.1b - February 2, 2007
  • trigger time bug fixed
0.0.1a - February 1, 2007
  • multi-byte bug fixed
  • sync problem fixed
0.0.1 - February 1, 2007
  • initial release
  • implements floating events with the built-in Calendar/Date Book

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