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\cat gis, software cat: grass


GRASS is an Open Source GIS which is released under the GNU Public License. Its development is currently being done worldwide.

Slackware 12 binary distributions
MS-Windows native binary
6.3.CVS September 17, 2006 (Updated!)
Configuration for GRASS and GDAL
Prebuilt libraries for winGRASS
Binary distribution for Cygwin (Deprecated by MS-Windows native binary)
Cygwin setup package
Easy startup
Related links
Alternative installation
Old distributions
Compilation note for Cygwin
PostgreSQL with GRASS
Q&A Wiki
UNOFFICIAL transparency support
How to ...
Create a quality cartography with GMT
Import a GLOBE DEM

Slackware 12 binary distributions

GRASS is now configured for:  i686-pc-linux-gnu

  Source directory:            /home/geni/usr/grass/grass
  Build directory:             /home/geni/usr/grass/grass
  Installation directory:      ${prefix}/grass-6.3.svn
  Startup script in directory: ${exec_prefix}/bin
  C compiler:                  gcc -g -O2
  C++ compiler:                c++ -g -O2
  Building shared libraries:   yes
  64bit support:               no
  OpenGL platform:             X11
  MacOSX application:         no

  NVIZ:                       yes

  BLAS support:               no
  C++ support:                yes
  Cairo support:              no
  DWG support:                no
  FFMPEG support:             no
  FFTW support:               yes
  FreeType support:           yes
  GDAL support:               yes
  GLw support:                no
  JPEG support:               yes
  LAPACK support:             no
  Large File support (LFS):   no
  Motif support:              yes
  MySQL support:              no
  NLS support:                yes
  ODBC support:               no
  OGR support:                yes
  OpenGL support:             yes
  PNG support:                yes
  PostgreSQL support:         yes
  Python support:             no
  Readline support:           yes
  SQLite support:             no
  Tcl/Tk support:             yes
  wxWidgets support:          no
  TIFF support:               yes
  X11 support:                yes

MS-Windows native binary


First release announcement


6.3.CVS September 17, 2006 (Updated!)

If you have already installed the first release (2006-09-13), please update grass/ and grass/ too. Download these files along with grass/ and uncompress/overwrite old files under C:\msys\1.0\local. Create a shortcut to grass.bat with a cute icon.

MS-Windows native GRASS requires MSys as its base shell system (similar to cmd.exe), so you need to install the following packages as well as winGRASS in the listed order:

  1. MinGW, MSys
    1. MinGW-5.0.3.exe
      • Choose the default directory C:\MinGW.
      • Install mingw-runtime.
    2. MSYS-1.0.11-2004.04.30-1.exe
      • Install directory: C:\msys\1.0
    3. tcltk-8.4.1-1.exe
      • Install directory: C:\MinGW
  2. PostgreSQL
    1. PostgreSQL
      • Unzip and click postgresql-8.1.msi.
      • Install directory: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1
      • PostGIS option is recommended.
  3. GnuWin32, prebuilt libraries for winGRASS, and winGRASS binary
    1. Download the following files into the same directory:
    2. Run inst_grass.bat.
  4. You have successfully installed GRASS.
    • Run C:\msys\1.0\grass.bat to start the GRASS GIS Manager.
    • You can create a shortcut to this file with a GRASS icon (C:\msys\1.0\grass.ico).
    • Edit grass.bat as needed to change the start up directory (the 5th line): set STARTUP_DIR=whatever_you_want

Updating GRASS is a lot easier than the first install. Just overwrite old GRASS files by uncompressing grass/ under C:\msys\1.0\local. Unless you're told to do so, you don't need to reinstall other packages.

Successful compilation does not necessarily mean that you can run all the modules in the package without any problems. Since it's the first release for Windows native GRASS, extensive testing is mandatory. If you have problems or find bugs, please let me know. If you're not familiar with mailing lists, visit my wiki page.

Please read WinGRASS Current Status.

Configuration for GRASS and GDAL

GRASS is now configured for:  i686-pc-mingw32

 Source directory:            /home/geni/usr/grass/grass6
 Build directory:             /home/geni/usr/grass/grass6
 Installation directory:      /usr/local/grass-6.3.cvs
 Startup script in directory: ${exec_prefix}/bin
 C compiler:                  gcc -g -O2 
 C++ compiler:                c++ -g -O2
 FORTRAN compiler:            
 Building shared libraries:   yes
 64bit support:               no
 OpenGL platform:             Windows

  NVIZ:                       yes

  BLAS support:               no
  C++ support:                yes
  DWG support:                no
  FFMPEG support:             no
  FFTW support:               yes
  FreeType support:           yes
  GDAL support:               yes
  GLw support:                no
  JPEG support:               yes
  LAPACK support:             no
  Large File Support (LFS):   yes
  Motif support:              no
  MySQL support:              no
  NLS support:                yes
  ODBC support:               no
  OGR support:                yes
  OpenGL support:             yes
  PNG support:                yes
  PostgreSQL support:         yes
  Python support:             no
  Readline support:           yes
  SQLite support:             yes
  Tcl/Tk support:             yes
  TIFF support:               yes
  X11 support:                no

Errors in:

GDAL is now configured for i686-pc-mingw32

  Installation directory:    /usr/local
  C compiler:                gcc -O2 
  C++ compiler:              g++ -O2 

  LIBTOOL support:           yes

  LIBZ support:              internal
  GRASS support:             grass57+
  CFITSIO support:           no
  PCRaster support:          internal
  NETCDF support:            no
  LIBPNG support:            internal
  LIBTIFF support:           internal
  LIBGEOTIFF support:        internal
  LIBJPEG support:           internal
  LIBGIF support:            internal
  OGDI support:              no
  HDF4 support:              no
  HDF5 support:              no
  KAKADU support:            no
  JASPER support:            no
  ECW support:               no
  MrSID support:             no
  POSTGRESQL support:        yes
  MySQL support:             no
  XERCES support:            no
  ODBC support:              no
  OCI support:               no
  SDE support:               no
  DODS support:              no
  SQLite support:            yes
  DWGdirect support          no
  PANORAMA GIS support:      no
  GEOS support:              yes

  Statically link PROJ.4:    no

  Traditional Python:        no
  NG SWIG Bindings:          

  enable OGR building:       yes

Prebuilt libraries for winGRASS

Binary distribution for Cygwin (Deprecated by MS-Windows native binary)

6.1.CVS (grass-cvs) April 17, 2006 updated!

Cygwin setup package

  1. Go to and click setup.exe.
    grass/setup-1.png grass/setup-2.png grass/setup-3.png
  2. Choose the UNIX file format and install cygwin under a directory whose name doesn't contain spaces or tabs.
    grass/setup-4.png grass/setup-5.png grass/setup-6.png
  3. Add to the user URL list and select it. This will install GRASS packages.
  4. Choose one of download sites other than (Use Ctrl+Left mouse button). This site installs Cygwin packages required to run GRASS. So two URLs should be highlighted: one,, is for GRASS installation and the other one is for Cygwin stuff.
  5. Goto Database and select GRASS. grass-cvs (latest version) is recommended over grass (6.0.0, outdated release version).
    grass/setup-9.png grass/setup-10.png grass/setup-11.png
  6. Install. Now, setup.exe is finished.
    grass/setup-12.png grass/setup-13.png
  7. Copy grass60.bat to c:\cygwin and run it. You may want to make a shortcut to c:\cygwin\grass60.bat. grass.ico by John Robertson is also available.
    grass/setup-14.png grass/setup-15.png
  8. Welcome to GRASS GIS! Now, it's time to create a new location. For more detail about the EPSG code, refer to epsg.
    grass/setup-16.png grass/setup-17.png grass/setup-18.png
  9. Input the EPSG code for your location manually.
    grass/setup-19.png grass/setup-20.png
  10. Restart grass60 and select the previously created location.
    grass/setup-14.png grass/setup-21.png grass/setup-22.png
  11. You're in the GRASS GIS Manager.

If it doesn't work, please let me know.

Easy startup

You don't need to type anything before seeing the GRASS GIS Manager. Copy grass60.bat to c:\cygwin and run it! You can make a shortcut to c:\cygwin\grass60.bat.

John Robertson, one of winGRASS users, presented me a GRASS icon. You can apply this to grass60.bat.

If you installed grass-cvs, download grass/grass61.bat.

Alternative installation

  1. Go to and click setup.exe.
  2. Choose the UNIX file format and install cygwin under a directory whose name doesn't contain spaces or tabs.
  3. Install the following cygwin packages:
    • cygwin
    • xorg-x11-base
    • xterm
    • libjpeg62
    • libtiff5
    • libpng12
    • libncurses8
    • lesstif
    • proj
    • sunrpc
    • freetype2
    • readline
    • postgresql
  4. Suppose you downloaded the following files in c:\download\grass:
  5. Open a cygwin shell window and follow the instruction below:
    cd /cygdrive/c/download/grass
    sh grass-6.1.cvs-i686-pc-cygwin-17_04_2006.tar.gz
    cd /
    tar xvfj /cygdrive/c/download/grass/gdal-grass6.1.cvs-1.2.3-2.tar.bz2
    tar xvfj /cygdrive/c/download/grass/tcltk-grass-8.4.7-1.tar.bz2
    tar xvfj /cygdrive/c/download/grass/mesa-grass-6.2-1.tar.bz2
    tar xvfj /cygdrive/c/download/grass/tiff-grass-2.7.1-1.tar.bz2
    Now installation is completed.
  6. Start X Window:
  7. Run GRASS from xterm executed by X Window (not from the above cygwin shell):

License documents for all libraries are in /usr/local/doc. Supported features are as follows:

  NVIZ:                       yes
  X11 support:                yes
  JPEG support:               yes
  TIFF support:               yes
  PNG support:                yes
  Tcl/Tk support:             yes
  PostgreSQL support:         yes
  MySQL support:              no
  OpenGL(R) support:          yes
  ODBC support:               yes
  FFTW support:               yes
  BLAS support:               yes
  LAPACK support:             yes
  Motif support:              yes
  FreeType support:           yes
  GLw support:                yes 
  NLS support:                no
  Readline support:           yes
  C++ support:                yes
  openDWG support:            no
  GDAL support:               yes
  OGR support:                yes

Old distributions

Compilation note for Cygwin

NOTE: You may not want to compile 6.1 yourself if you're an average user.

NVIZ compiled with the tcl/tk cygwin version doesn't work because this package is MS-Windows native, so I've built the whole library from the sources with little modification and it worked as an X11 version on cygwin! When you compile GRASS yourself, make sure that you give "--with-tcltk-includes=/usr/local/include --with-tcltk-libs=/usr/local/lib" option to ./

These are pre-compiled libraries (these files are supposed to be uncompressed under /):

If you want to build libraries, download sources from their sites and patch with the following files:

PostgreSQL with GRASS

See postgresql for installation on Cygwin. Please don't post about this to the winGRASS mailing list if it's not related to GRASS. :-)

It's easy to connect to the database:

db.login driver=pg database=DATABASE user=USER password=PASSWORD
db.connect driver=pg database=DATABASE

Q&A Wiki

Any comment or question is welcome. Subscribe to the winGRASS mailing list. If you have a question about my package, please read Q&A Wiki carefully before asking for help. Many common questions are aleady answered.

Please visit wiki_cygwin_grass for Cygwin packages (now deprecated by MS-Windows native GRASS).

UNOFFICIAL transparency support



THIS SOURCE PACKAGE IS NOT OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED BY THE GRASS TEAM. Since a new display architecture is being developed and no more bug fixes or code changes are guaranteed for this distribution, use it at your own risk. This work was derived from the 2006-02-18 CVS version and you can read related threads at



How to run r.topmodel

TOPMODEL (Topography Model) is a physically based hydrologic model. TMOD9502.FOR and GRIDATB.FOR have just been ported to the GRASS modules (r.topmodel and r.topidx respectively) to accommodate interoperability with GIS.


grass/r.out.gmt exports a raster map into a GMT grd file.


grass/v.out.gmt exports a polygon vector map into a GMT xy file.


grass/d.edit.rast edits cells in an existing raster map displayed on the monitor.

How to ...

Create a quality cartography with GMT

Quality Digital Cartography with GMT and GRASS

Import a GLOBE DEM


  1. Download GLOBE data and the corresponding Arc/Info header.
  2. Start grass in any location.
  3. Create a new location for the GLOBE DEM (EPSG code 4326: Latitude-Longitude/WGS84):
    g.proj -c proj4='+init=epsg:4326' location=latlong
  4. Exit and restart grass with the latlong location.
  5. Import GLOBE data (e.g., e10g): -o input=e10g output=e10g
  6. Create a dummy vector for reprojection:
    g.region rast=e10g
    v.mkgrid map=dummy grid=1,1 position=region
  7. Referring to the EPSG code, create a new projected location (e.g., NAD83/Texas Central):
    g.proj -c proj4='+init=epsg:32139' location=nad83
  8. Exit and restart grass with the nad83 location.
  9. Import the dummy vector and set region to cover the whole location:
    v.proj input=dummy location=latlong
    g.region vect=dummy
  10. Import the GLOBE raster and check if it's displayed correctly:
    r.proj input=e10g location=latlong resolution=1000
    g.region rast=e10g
    d.mon x0
    d.rast e10g
  11. Clean up:
    g.remove vect=dummy
    eval `g.gisenv`
    cd $GISDBASE
    rm -rf latlong


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